coffee aroma

my silence here reflects my long overdue time to recover from my last hectic 5 months of lost sleep.


apparently my ‘feng shui’ for 2006 was supposed to be good in the love + career ballgame... not like i realllllly believe in it but oh what the heck? i guess in the career department, it’s not that bad. could be worse but i'm really starting to like what i'm doing. uh-huh, it really hit me today.

love game: hmm… a grey area.
a) d nite b4 last nite: someone was trying to ask me out, but was way too shy – dude, i know what u’re trying 2 do! just that u wanna to take it slow.
b) last nite: someone confessed i truly broke his heart. me = speechless.
c) 2nite: someone whom i connected with pretty well starts dating someone else + thought i was affected by the news.

the truth?
a- i dunno how to react, he’s just a good friend to me. perhaps it’s the slowness that’s killing the attractio
b- i've moved on – a long time ago. i hope u do 2 but ur friendship means a lot to me.
c- actually i was happy for him that he finally found someone.

frankly, i have been seeing some people over the year. all sorts have come my way but there are 1 or 2 i hold dear to me. thing is that i know that there is chemistry with the dear ones, but it’s either the distance or work that just disrupts the dating momentum. sucks eh? then comes the lovely mates who try to introduce me to ‘prospects’. have these plans been deployed successfully? .. mm. not really. sooner or later work kicks in. one gets tied up at work one week, then it’s the other party’s turn. stoopid emotional rollercoaster.


so i haven’t really been that lucky in the love department. huh! love. maybe it’s cos i'm stuck in my perfect romantic fairyland dream, believing that all in love should be peachy. tsk tsk honey! wake up ‘n’ smell d coffee!

whatever it is, i'm ready ♪


Jellimac said…
I love reading about the men in your life!

Eagerly waiting for an update! :)

Kinda annoyed, bathroom lights have gone out and my housemate is taking forever to get the technician in here. I mean I could change them, just that the ceiling's too high up even on a stool. Grrrr... hope it's all sorted by the time you're here!

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