digitaldom + the rantings of an online socialite
- the latest 3.5G/hsdpa mobile cellular phone that goes a flip-flip, a slide-slide,
- if it's not that glowing apple on the laptop cover, it's a v-a-i-o
- or that gadget of a finger kungfu iTouch (which i secretly pine for) mp3/video thingamajig that does the wi-fi limbo too
- or a pda/smart phone that looks ubercool to use instead of d traditional pen n paper
o i can go on!!!
all this for..... hehe... online 'social networking'...
like my after office schedule isn't already full a week in advance, + i still need to socialize online? we all do. that's the beauty of technology. i can talk to 5,10,15 ppl at one go without having to go thru all that effort of dolling up, travelling or head to the nearest coffee joint to 'catch up'. it's all done w my fingers... a click of the mouse, a punching of the keys on the keyboard...
here's the typical day of an online social butterfly-
- alarm clock rings
- turn on d monitor,refresh my netvibe, fb + read all my msn msgs that were sent in while i was away in dreamland
- shower, get ready for work simultaneously as i 'update' my multiply/FB/email etc
- chuck my mp3 player to load d new stuff i dl-ed d night b4 to listen to in d car on d way 2 work
- first things i load on my work pc; netvibe/fb/meebo. + yes in that 30-45min ride over to work, i get a constant flow of new wallposts/photo tags n comments etc
- do work
- 5 min 'work breaks' of discussing 2nite's fb event... n a wallpost reply or two
- lunch - when i'm on my solo lunch sessions it's either checking my fb via my mobile phone or with my pda, bluetoothing my phone as a modem n typing out this blog post at d nearest starbucks (mobile internet.. woohoo)
- after lunch, upload my blog, refresh my netvibe + fb
- do work, go for a couple of mtgs
- an hr b4 work ends - on a discussion thread of 2nite's fb event
- rush home to get ready to go out + checking on my fb notifications
- out to event w my best gadget ever; my point n shooter
- take a minimum of 100 pics w friends, new acquaintances, artsy shots
- go home to upload event pics n post on walls of 'that was an awesome partay yo!' kinda stuff
- which i am immediately notified of 'new photo comments n tags' 5 seconds l8r thx to those who have fb perpetually refreshed
- then off to bed