shades of chromatism

after much bantering with the HODs/CFO ugh.. my pet project @ work has to start last minute and completed by the time my snr VP gets back from holidays! DIE. what was initially stomped on at first all of a sudden bloomed today. i have a feeling my big boss pulled god knows what to get this going.. he really wants this. now. y now? when i was just about to plan my ny'08 with all the nonsense i could do in a day?
so looks like '08 will start with a SPLASH! of paint... and others I hope... already nur's booked me for her room revamp, tatt, n what nots.
i still haven't started on dad's re-branding of his company.
i still haven't finished my other pet project for nur..
i still haven't started my photoblog of life
i still haven't started designing prototypes
i still haven't fully taken on photography
i still haven't begun my other gazillion other projects i had planned for '07
i was supposed to start something with my ex colleagues, now that didn't kick off

ooiii wake up woman!
i is in dire need of some motivation aggravation ideation to start something different.

i is also wanna freelance. im tired of doing d same shit every day.

i is is is is! (too many blanks to fill)


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