visions of my world

that stool? the cushioned benches? that white chair?
what would we have talked about to the point we get so caught up with our conversations + lose track of time? our dreams? our lives?
what would u have had @ my favourite spot in KL? mint ice lemon tea on a beautiful sunny day?
where else could i bring u to after? where were we before this?
i wonder. i also would like to know.
to share such moments like these with u. i would love to.
days like these make me
- appreciate the beautiful things in life
- want to bring u here more
- want to share many other special places with u
- realise that i have to capture more moments of what life's all about
all that sadness within has allowed me to channel all that love elsewhere. to a love for the things i see thru my eyes
+ because of u, it's brought out the desire to do all that, + more...
if only u could just join me, right here, with me, to see my world...