presenting... mr bachelor t...

for blooming trouble!

gals watch out, these 'bachelors' are dangerous. they're absolut flirts. love being around women. love all d attention. love the fact they're wanted. love being non-commital...but-

don't let them fool ya.
don't let them hurt ya.
don't let them get to ya.

there's been quite a few i've met of recent times.. and yeah.. seems that there's this certain trend + pattern they all seem to adhere to. don't worry boys, won't be giving your game away! cos i have my own ;) fun but trouble they are!

anyhooties: things are looking up on my end. so i've painted my first public art (toilet art as one will call it). now trying to venture into more, decorate my corporate qbicle @ work as well as poking into creative media ( world n so forth). itching to do more. some1 1nce said:
- what the hell r u doing in the corporate world? dya know u could be making money out of stuff like this (art/dzgn)? haha.. soon. til my next chapter in life... b patient n u shall see

so fellas, u WILL be seeing a whole lot of me even more, somewhere, someway, somehow ... xoxo


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