i shalls + i shall nots

<- my sg shopping shoe shopping spree (in + out of the store in 10 mins w 4 pairs).
I always think of my next month's shopping list[(s): with several revisions] this month, which are usually scrapped out by the first wk (due to the lack of funds) ... but b4 any purchase, a minimum of 100% satisfaction (quality vs sticker price) would have to be achieved. So here's my "i shall not buy" shopping list (which will only hold for like.. a week.. at most)
i shall not buy:
- shoes (20 :melb, 4 : sg, 10 : kl - last 2 months - all brand new... + counting)
- clothes (til i reduce more pounds)
- handbags (can't close the drawer of bags anymore)
- makeup (my canvas is my face. have a whole palette at the rate i'm going)
- face products (i only have one face)
- hair products (b4 my chemically laden hair falls off)
- body products (i'm so well stocked i can probably bathe in it for a yr!)
- cds (b4 i run out of space to store them)
- accessories (perhaps i need a special wardrobe for them soon)
- glossies (wasting paper!)
what i need to save up for:
- a set of proper pc speakers (harmon kardon soundsticks II) timeline: months
- a good optical mouse for work (dad nicked my expensive one and can't be found) timeline: soonish
- replace my digicam charger (once again the dad borrowed it n didn't return the charger) timeline: soonish otherwise i won't have good posting material
- frequent tickets to sg to visit those closest to my heart timeline: at least once in 2 months
- $ to shop in sg timeline: if i can save from not shopping in kl
- my 25th bday Paris backpacking trip w Miko timeline: less than 2 yrs + counting
- shopping $ for my backpacking trip timeline: less than 2 yrs + counting
- a repaint on my mgf - yup i scraped it along the office parking ramp. ugh timeline: ?
+ the list goes on
with my current paycheck, i have no idea how i'm gonna get all the above done within the timespan stated. So scrap all the above. Stop shopping. Period.