+ I thought I won't succumb to this

Took me a while to jump on the blogging band wagon, same goes for that wretched friendster. A stickler for the traditional pen + paper, I promised myself - no to online journals, no to PDAs. Even got meself a bling starwalker! It has come to a point where I embarassingly falter there for a bit. I shall still snail mail, so those who get my letters, treasure it, for soon enough time may no longer be a friend to me.
Now that my amplifying contact list is stretching my Filofax quite a bit, the annual updating does get a tad tiring. I'm seriously considering upgrading my dying clamshell to one more appropriate for business use. It's the baby communicator, 9300. Bad thing is, it has no vibe. Damn. It's the best fully-packed feature phone in terms of a workhorse out there, but someone, please! someone, convince me that I can live without that vibe feature. *ehem* tis only for missed calls purposes. period.
Anyway, enough of the rumble. If you really wanna catch up w me, call me. I have a few days left of total freedom til the parents get back in from their honeymoon trip. And I have 4 kids to look after too - that's baby #1 - gets priority over me in the family.*sigh*